A Little More About Us
Gather any group of purpose-driven women around an important cause and what you’ll get is the kind of collaboration and comradery that can move mountains. Well, maybe not the mountains where we live – but, we’re proud of the impact we make in our small corner of the world. Founded in 1957, the Land O’Sky Garden Club was never intended to be a “ladies who lunch” club. The enterprising women who started this non-profit organization sought to use their love of gardening, landscaping, conservation, and wildlife to promote the same within our community. They were early change agents who left us a legacy of giving back to others.
Today, the Land O’Sky Garden Club is some 60 members strong (and counting)! Half are active members, engaged in monthly educational programs and annual fundraising activities – and the other half are considered associate members. Per our bylaws, active members can transition to associate membership after 8 years of service and are no longer required to maintain attendance standards. That being said, many of our associate members continue to contribute their time and talents to the club.
Perhaps best known for our beloved Christmas Bazaar, the club has a longstanding reputation for this fun holiday event which now supports most of our charitable giving. In 1987, the LOSGC established an academic scholarship in partnership with Blue Ridge Community College. Since then, thanks to contributions of more than $29,000 (from funds raised through the Bazaar) we’ve helped pave the way for local students to pursue careers in agriculture, farming, and landscape design. Not bad for a bunch of gals who love the outdoors and all things blooming.
To learn more about our civic work and membership opportunities, please click here.
LOSGC Christmas Bazaar
A Cooking Demonstration
A Few Fun Facts!
Who says field trips are for kids! We take field trips several times a year to meet with local experts on everything from growing to gardening and recycling.
Since 1964 we’ve partnered with Pardee Hospital to assist in planting and maintaining the Hospital Atrium.
In the mid-1970’s we organized a beautification project at the junction of Haywood Road and Hwy. 25.
From 2000 to 2008 our club partnered with Habitat for Humanity to support their efforts of bringing more affordable housing to the area.
In 2013, we helped launch the “America in Bloom” competition in Henderson County, a project led by Carol Elliott and other members for years.
In 2018, we sponsored one of the downtown bears, painted by our own Anne Valentine.
We have the best holiday Bazaar in town!