LOSGC Meeting Minutes, February 13, 2025
Land O’ Sky Garden Club
Minutes of the February 13th, 2025
1. Call to Order – Co-President Anne Lee called the meeting to order at 9:55 a.m.
2. Co-President Anne Welcomed and Thanked the hostesses: Sallie Carr, Jean Faulkner, Anne Lee and thanked Sally G for the newsletter
3. Attendance – Margaret called the role
4. Old Business – The December Minutes were approved
5. Membership – Membership coordinator Margaret gave a membership status update. She discussed recruitment, member responsibilities and how to be a new member sponsor. A handout was provided to each member with a written description of how to recommend a new member and what responsibilities are required of new members. We have 29 active members and 37 associate members. We have several openings for the club. Prospective members must visit for two meetings. Jana then addressed how to recruit members to the club. A prospective person needs to be a good fit and have an interest in learning about plants and investing in the club’s overall mission. Prospective members should understand what club expectations and requirements are for membership. Sponsors need to get bio and contact information for prospective members. Sponsors fill out the membership application. Applicants need a second sponsor. Members are allowed to sponsor one person in a calendar year. Anne stated that the club this year will try to have a new members’ tea potentially in June 2025.
6. Hospitality – Hostess chair Dee reminded people to respond to RSVPs and sign up to be a hostess for an upcoming month in this calendar year.
7. Financial Update --Past Treasurer and Vice President Ginger said the club had $26,744.64 at the end of 2024. Treasurer Maggie gave the current financial status and a list of what monies have come in and been disbursed so far this year. Balance to date on Feb. 13, 2025, was $23,647.19. Monies can be contributed digitally to the club through the application Zelle. Vice President Ginger gave an accounting on money raised on the 2024 Christmas Bazaar. The club earned a net of $11,862.99 for the Christmas Bazaar of 2024 which was an increase in income from Year 2023. Vice Chair Ginger gave a report from the Ways and Means Committee. She said there was a $4,500 shortfall of club expenses compared to the total of membership dues being paid. The committee will discuss and report whether to raise dues to cover more of the club expenses. The Ways and Means Committee will come up with 3 scenarios regarding a dues structure to present to the board and club membership in the coming months. Margaret moved and Sally G seconded and members agreed on how to distribute proceeds to nonprofit organizations from the 2024 Christmas Bazaar as follows: $4,000 to Bullington Gardens, $3,500 to Veteran’s Healing Farm, $500 of unrestricted funds (not from 2024 bazaar proceeds) to Robert Stine, Botanical Treasures, 106 Sandy Creek Tr. Fletcher, NC 28732, who is a wholesale plant grower that has sold plants to us at wholesale prices and lost everything in Hurricane Helene 2023. That’s a total of $8,000 to be distributed as charitable funds. Regarding proceeding with the Christmas Bazaar 2025, on December 6, 2025, Co-President Anne stated that the board’s recommendation was that we conduct the 2025 bazaar and use this year to determine whether the membership wants to discontinue the bazaar next year and host other activities and fund-raisers instead. Recording Secretary Denise L made a motion in support of the board’s recommendation and was seconded by Barbara. No dissenting votes were noted.
8. 2025 Yearbook and Website proposal – Sally G and Ginny gave a presentation on a website they have developed for the garden club, www.landoskygardenclub.org. There is a member portal which is accessed by the password: LOSGC25. Sally encouraged members to look at the website. She was not able to deliver her presentation due to a lack of WiFi. The website would cost a total of $375 per year to operate. The club thanked Sally G for her efforts; members applauded and indicated that the club should move forward with it.
9. Amendments to By-Laws – Co-President Anne presented changes to the club’s by-laws for consideration and notice. A vote on these changes will be on next month’s agenda – Remove from the By-laws and club calendar the June luncheon to be replaced by a summer social and possible new member tea in June; GCNC – Ginger spoke on Award #2B youth horticulture and the reason to remove. Jana said it was not in the by-laws and therefore did not need a vote; finally, a change to Article VI #35 to read, “The current treasurer will prepare the budget in August, to be presented to the membership at the September meeting and submit to the club for a vote in October.”
10. Fun Thymes – Garden Club outings – Co-President Anne said there would be an outing on Feb 18, 2025, at 11:30 a.m. at Hubbaballoo and then at 1:00 p.m. at BRCC Library for Seed Ball workshop at Blue Ridge Community College campus. A September outing to see Jenny Brown’s dahlias may also be on this year’s calendar.
11. Bullington Garden Fairy Door – Karen presented the door that was created for the fairy garden at Bullington last year. She has fixed the fairy door to some degree that was damaged in Hurricane Helene. It needs more work. It may be relocated to the Pardee Hospital Garden. The club thanked Karen for her efforts.
12. Advisor Sallie C referred a number of garden club meetings coming up in the Spring from the NC garden Clubs. Sallie suggested members take a look at the newsletter and online for more information. Patti L made a motion to donate $25 to the STAR program and was seconded by Ginger. All voted in favor.
13. Committee Sign – ups – Co-President Anne reminded people to sign up for club responsibilities.
Co-President Anne adjourned the meeting at 11:25 a.m.
Minutes signed and submitted by Recording Secretary Denise Layfield on Feb. 13, 2025.