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The Grapevine!

Don’t forget, Bullington Garden sells dahlia tubers at their annual sale!

Meet, sweet Caroline!

Congratulations to Jean and Gary Faulkner on the birth of their beautiful granddaughter, Caroline Grant Vinicky. Jean’s daughter Elizabeth and son-in-law John, welcomed Caroline into the world on June 30, 2024. Jean sent us this picture from Chicago during her recent visit in February. Who’s taking bets Jean will be headed to the Windy City as often as possible! (Active and Associate members, send us your news and we’ll share it here on The Grapevine!)

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Early Spring Beauty with our friend Steve Pettis! Come learn about Ephemeral flowers, mosses and ferns at Bullington Gardens on Tuesday, April 8 from 1pm to 3pm. https://www.bullingtongardens.org/.../early-spring-beauty...

Bullington Gardens, Inc.
95 Upper Red Oak Trail, Hendersonville, NC, 28792

Event by Homemade Pasta Noodles 719 Maple Street, Hendersonville, NC,